How To Meet Guys On Facebook Part 2
The Photo Strategy
Let me get straight to the point: You’re doomed if you don’t post good pictures on Facebook. And lots of them.
At the risk of stating the obvious, men think with their eyes (and sometimes act with their crotch). You have got to get over the idea that you can attract or meet good-looking guys without lots of high-quality pictures.
I’m harping on this for a reason: It astounds me how many guys get online with no pictures, one or two pictures, bad pictures or some combination of the three.
Imagine you’re buying a car and you’re at the manufacturer’s website. You see pictures that are so fuzzy or taken from so far away you can’t decide if it’s a car or a truck. Would you visit the dealer?
Of course not. So why do you think people will visit your lot if you use the same photo strategy?
There is absolutely no excuse for not posting a lot of good quality pictures on Facebook. Before we get into advice on how to take good pictures of yourself, let’s talk about the ways that Facebook allows you to post pictures and what silo or section they appear in.
Facebook let’s you upload pictures into two different categories:
You can create as many albums as you want. This is where you post pictures from specific events, vacations, etc. This is truly for your friends and family–to share memories of good times. Most guys will not spend much time on your albums unless they already know you.
They know a lot of those pictures won’t be of you and of the ones that are, they’ll have to pick you out of the crowd. That’s sometimes hard to do if they’ve never met you.
Post whatever pictures you want in the Album section–it’s meant for you, your family and friends, not to bait hotties. Later on you will see a powerful trick you can use in your Album section that will entice guys to look, but first you have to understand a few concepts.
For now, know that almost all of the picture-taking advice in this series will be devoted to the next category….
Profile Pictures
This is truly the only section that matters for meeting guys. They instinctively know to look there if they really want to know what you look like. And BELIEVE ME, they want to know what you look like.
Again, all the advice you read below is aimed for pics that will go into Profile Pictures, not Albums. Pay attention to a couple of rules:
Quality Over Quantity
Putting too many pictures in the profile section makes you look so conceited that guys will think you bow every time you hear thunder. Aim for between 12-16 pictures max.
Make Sure You’re The Only One In The Pics
Don’t include family or friends. There’s a reason Facebook called the section “Profile.” It’s to give people a good idea of who YOU are; not the people you’re close with.
With that, let’s get into recommendations that are guaranteed to light up your message box.
Give Good Face
If we’re honest, we’re all asking one thing when we’re looking for which photos to post: “Do I look cute?” But not everyone is as chiseled as a European model or photographs like one. Which leads some of us (cough, cough—not you, of course) to fib about our photo selves.
Serious mistake. You think nobody’s going to notice the 20 pounds or the 10-year age difference when you walk in the door? What are you going to say when guys greet you in shock, “I didn’t lie, Orca has a swimmer’s body too.”
No, no, no. The best way to figure out which pictures to post is to ask yourself this question:
Do I actually look like these pictures TODAY?
If the answer is, “No,” start over. You want photos that accurately reflect you at your best.
Here are some guidelines for posting the hottest and most REALISTIC photos of yourself:
Take more than 50 digital photos of yourself.
Yes, 50. At least. In different settings, too. Here’s why. If you’re like the rest of us you’re going to hate most of your pictures, so you need a lot to choose from.
Avoid Self-Portraits.
An awkward picture from an awkward angle with your arm over your head is never attractive. In fact, it tells us that you:
- Are lazy. Or at least not very imaginative.
- Don’t have many friends or they would have taken the pictures for you.
- Are slightly creepy. Because most people who photograph themselves end up looking a little bit serial-murderish. (It’s not your fault—it’s the angle.)
If you’re too embarrassed to ask anybody to take your pictures at least use the automated function in your camera. Seriously, the difference is dramatic.
Do Not Leave Room For Doubt About What You Look Like
I can’t tell you how many guys post pictures in the profile section that are fuzzy, unclear or taken from so far away you don’t know if you’re looking at him or the back of a deer.
Bad move. It’s critical that you upload lots of good pictures that make guys certain they know what you look like. First, it shows that you’re confident with your appearance. And let’s face it—confidence is sexy. Even if you’re not gorgeous, great photos showing your best self in a relaxed, happy manner cracks open the door of opportunity.
Second, clear pictures erase doubt about what you look like. The #1 reason guys don’t meet other guys online is that they’re suspicious of the guy’s pictures (they’re fuzzy or there are not enough of them or they don’t match, etc.). This is probably the most critical aspect of meeting hotter guys: DO NOT LEAVE ROOM FOR DOUBT ABOUT WHAT YOU LOOK LIKE.
Look at some of the questions recently asked in research done on dating apps (it applies to Facebook too):
Question #1:
“What is the principal reason that you hesitate to contact or respond to a guy you’re initially attracted to?”
Answer: His pictures made me doubt what he looks like in real life.
Question #2:
“What is the principal reason that you hesitate or refuse to ask for a man’s number after you showed him initial interest?”
Answer: His pictures made me doubt what he looks like in real life.
Question #3:
“What is the principal reason that you hesitate or refuse to meet a guy if you’ve talked to him on the phone?”
Answer: His pictures made me doubt what he looks like in real life.
Question #4:
“Have you ever failed to show up after agreeing to meet a man online, and if so what was the principal reason?”
Answer: His pictures made me doubt what he looks like in real life.
The research is clear
If you want to eliminate the flake & fake factor, if you want to increase the number of emails you get, if you want him to ask for your phone number, if you want him to arrange a meeting and actually show up, DO NOT GIVE HIM ANY REASON TO QUESTION YOUR PICTURES.
What’s the best way to do that? With my Rule of Threes, which we’ll cover in the next installment in the series.
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