How Many Pics Should You Post On A Dating App?
You need to post at least nine pictures. That may sound excessive to some, but research shows the more pics you have (up to a point—you’re not running a yearbook here) the more likely you’ll get the kind of hookup or date you want.
Posting lots of good pictures shows that you’re confident with your appearance. And let’s face it—confidence is sexy. Even if you’re not gorgeous, great photos showing your best self in a relaxed, happy manner cracks open the door of opportunity.
Erase All Doubt
Besides, there’s an even better reason to post a lot of pics : They erase doubt about what you look like. The #1 reason guys don’t meet other guys online is that they’re suspicious of the other guys’ pictures. You must eliminate all doubt and do it without them asking you for more pictures or for clarification.
This is probably the most critical aspect of meeting hotter guys: DO NOT LEAVE ROOM FOR DOUBT ABOUT WHAT YOU LOOK LIKE.
The Research
Look at the conclusion of a research study on a gay singles app:
Question #1: “What is the principal reason that you hesitate to contact or respond to somebody who initially looks like your type of guy?”
Answer: His pictures made me doubt what he looks like in real life.
Question #2: “What is the principal reason that you hesitate or refuse to give a guy your number after you showed him initial interest?”
Answer: His pictures made me doubt what he looks like in real life.
Question #3: “What is the principal reason that you hesitate or refuse to meet a guy if you’ve talked to him on the phone?”
Answer: His pictures made me doubt what he looks like in real life.
Question #4: “Have you ever failed to show up after agreeing to meet a guy online, and if so what was the principal reason?”
Answer: His pictures made me doubt what he looks like in real life.
Crystal Clarity
The research conclusions are crystal clear: If you want to eliminate the flake & fake factor, if you want to increase the number of emails you get, if you want him to accept your phone call, if you want him to arrange a meeting and actually show up, DO NOT GIVE HIM ANY REASON TO QUESTION YOUR PICTURES.
And it’s not just any nine pictures, by the way. The formula for doubt-prevention goes like this:
1) Three body shots (face can be edited out for privacy in the public section of the app)
2) Three face shots (again, you can put this in the password-protected area)
3) Three shots with face connected to body.
#3 is critical. Because without it you raise doubt about what you look like. And once doubt sets in you buy yourself a wishy-washy, ambivalent guy on the other end who can’t make up his mind whether he should meet you or not. And if he does agree to a meeting, he may or may not show up.
Not having pictures that have your face connected to your body is probably the biggest subconscious deal killer for guys of a higher caliber. These are the guys who have higher standards than most, and whether they’re tricking or dating, they want to know they’re dealing with somebody real (and real good looking!).
1) Three body shots (DO NOT edit out face)
2) Three face shots
3) Three action shots of you doing something you like (other than having sex!)
The point of #3 is that you want guys to know what you’re interested in—travel, sports, sudoku, whatever. These kinds of pictures put you in the context of doing things you love, which usually results in the pictures sending off good vibes.
Next week: Why You Need Shirtless Shots Whether You’re Going For Sex Or Love.
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