How to Build a Facebook Profile That Attracts Date-Worthy Guys
Your Facebook profile needs to do triple-duty: It has to appeal to you, your friends and to guys you’re interested in. And it has to do it in a way that nobody gets shortchanged.
You don’t want your Facebook profile reading like it’s copy/pasted from your online dating profile, but at the same time, it needs a little guy-bait.
Hence, everything you’re about to read is designed to give your profile just that—breadcrumbs for handsome guys. Let’s get started.
Setting Up Facebook For A Flirt-Friendly Profile
Facebook has more privacy filters than other social networks. Some people actually block their profile so that you cannot see it unless you’re a friend. This is not a good idea if you’re trying to find eligible men.
There are lots of good reasons to set your security settings as high as possible. But the higher you go, the lower your chances of getting a message from a desirable guy. You may ask, “Wait, I thought this book was about initiating contact, not inviting it.”
It is, but a lot of gay guys don’t know that they may be inadvertently blocking men from contacting them. And I’d rather go off-topic a bit, if it helps you connect with Mr. Man.
It’s so easy to block creeps from contacting you that my advice is to set your privacy settings to “Everyone” or at the very least, “Friends of Friends.”
Make sure your settings are set as close to “Everyone” as you feel comfortable. Next, control how much you want to share. Set them to whatever you feel comfortable with, just know that the more restrictive you make it, the less chances you’ll have of being contacted by that tall, dark stranger. The one who’s going to sweep, if not vacuum, you off your feet.
By keeping your privacy settings open, you’ll be much more likely to have someone stumble on your profile and write you a note or a witty comment. If only your friends can view your profile, you might lock out a special someone from contacting you.
Creating A Must-Read Profile on Facebook
What do you think the first thing guys will do when a guy they don’t know first contacts them?
Check out your pictures.
Check out your profile.
We’ve talked about pictures in the last chapter; let’s concentrate on your profile. It’s critical that you provide conversational hooks for the guys you’ll be contacting.
If you don’t make it easy for them to make a comment about some aspect of your profile, you’re going to lose out big–especially from shier guys who may not know how to keep the conversation going.
While the message, like or comment you’re going to leave on Mr. Man’s page whispers a sense of who you are, your profile screams it. And it has an enormous influence on whether guys contact you or not.
You shouldn’t be writing long fawning essays in your profile. They should be, like, 300 words at most. At most. Remember, your profile isn’t there to qualify somebody for a date or marriage. Its main function is to GET YOU TO THE NEXT STEP (more online conversation). And the only thing that gets you to the next step is a profile that answers a guy’s three main concerns:
1) Are you good looking enough?
Sorry guys, there’s no point in pretending beauty doesn’t matter. There’s a reason I titled one of my books, Men Are Pigs But We Love Bacon. Men are visual creatures–we respond first with the eye, then everything else. That doesn’t mean you’re out of luck unless you’re a “10.” It just means you have to pay attention to the quality of your pictures. The good news is that higher quality guys don’t just respond to good pictures. They want a good sense of who and what they might be getting into if they respond to you. Hence, the need for an arresting profile.
2) Are you interesting enough?
Would a good-looking stranger want to have a conversation with you without getting yawns the size of a hurricane?
3) Are you at all compatible?
You can be good-looking and interesting but if you come off like an ass and somebodys’ looking for kindness, gurrrl, you in trouble.
Next week in our Facebook series: The Proven Formula For A Guy-Bait Facebook Profile.
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