What Not To Do In Role-Play
My partner and I want to try fantasy and role-play but we don’t know how to start and don’t even have a clear idea of our own fantasies. How can we formalize our fantasies in a way that we can act them out?
Start by asking yourself how you want to feel or how you want people to react to you. Do you want them to adore you? Hate you? That’s your starting point.
Then imagine what type of person epitomizes that feeling to you. In other words, what role your partner will need to play.
Be warned that you may not share each other’s fantasies, but you can take turns, so your partner could be the supporting actor in your fantasy and the star in his own.
And it’s a good idea to try swapping roles, playing one may give you ideas about the other.
Other aspects to consider are location, costumes and music, all of which will make your fantasy seem more real.
And remember that one of you has to take control of the fantasy. If one of you is going to strip, somebody’s got to decide how. I say if it’s your fantasy then you be the boss.
Just be careful that you don’t accidentally hurt your parent’s feelings. One couple I know tried playing a doctor/patient role. Things went south quickly when the fitter partner said, “Hello, I’m Dr. Smith, I see you’re here to lose a lot of weight.”
Finally, being in character may give you the confidence to try new things and expand your sexual horizons, so I heartily recommend role-playing.