What To Write In Your First Email To Him
You don’t need help writing an email to a guy that you had a strong connection with. But what if you weren’t sure how he felt about you? Here are the rules:
Gently Bust On Him.
This is no time to send an earnest, “It was great meeting you the other night.” That just shows him you have the personality of a Kansas zip code. Tease him without being mean.
Do Not Tell him How Attractive he Is.
Boring. That’s what every guy says to a beautiful man. If you’re going to compliment him, do it on something unexpected like his sense of style, his intellect or his kindness. Save the attraction compliments for when you’re actually dating.
Do Not Ask him Out.
Unless you had an amazing connection to him, you’re better off getting his (and his friends) to join you (and your friends) to do something fun.
Keep It Short.
Anything over a paragraph is too long.
Here’s a great example. Let’s say you met a really talkative man:
Hey Chatty Kathy, you know what, you seem like a lot of fun. I’ve detected an acceptable level of crazy from you. What are you up to this weekend? We’re going to (insert place here) on Friday then (insert place here) on Saturday. It’s going to be a ball. You should come along. Bring your friends. You know, someone to babysit you. ;>)
Let me know.
Why It Works
It’s not pressuring him to say yes to a date (this is especially important if your connection was tenuous). All you’ve done is invited him to have fun, have a great experience and meet cool people.
You’ve also set it up so that the only way he can join you is to send his phone number. How cool is that? You don’t even have to ask for his phone number; he’ll offer it.
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