Can Body Language Help You Attract Hotter Guys?
Welcome to our series on gay body language. We’re going to cover the basic principles of body language, namely, It’s not what you say. It’s not how you say it. It’s how you look when you’re saying it.
Second, we’ll look at self-awareness. Know what you’re doing or it’ll be your undoing.
Third, we’ll go over what it takes to approach a hottie. It’s easy to start talking to somebody if he glances back at you, but if he doesn’t?
Then we’ll talk about how to make yourself more approachable. Our maxim: Chase him until he catches you.
Let’s start with a scenario:
There he is by the corner. Pure Shagability. You want him in the worst way but you can’t bring yourself to go over there. He may not be out of your league but he’s bumping up against the fence.
Damn, if he just gave you a look, a signal, you’d go over and say hello. Your mind goes into monkey chatter overdrive: “Maybe I should go over anyway. Maybe he didn’t really see me. Maybe I should take another five laps around the bar.” On and on the chatter goes until the blame has been laid and the reasons for staying put exhausted.
Suddenly, a flash of courage. “Fuck it,” you say. “I’m going in! No balls, no blue chips!” You shake hands with Shagability. He flinches slightly. He’s not smiling and as you talk, his hands go deep in his pockets.
And just as you… Oh, no! He just crossed his arms! Even you know what that means. You feel like a fighter plane about to get a big helping of missile. Smoke fills your cabin, you go into a tailspin and sure enough, he leaves. And you think to yourself, that’s it. From now on, I only hit on guys who look like the hindquarters of bad luck.
Why did Shagability flinch when you shook his hand? Why did he frown? Why did he put his hands in his pocket? They were all clues to his attitudes and emotions. And because you didn’t know how to interpret them, you didn’t know how to reverse them. And worse, you didn’t know you caused some of them.
In this series, we’re going to answer those questions and more. Stay tuned next week when we talk about what most gay men get wrong in their body language.
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Gay Body Language
How To Meet Guys