Should average-sized guys be worried?
From a reader:
I’m an average sized guy (almost 6” but not girthy) and I’m interested in a guy that seems to have a preference for bottoming, but that’s my problem. I really like those types of guys (slightly fem) but I’m a huge bottom boy too! So, I’m considering switching my preference. Sex isn’t the top thing on my list so I could easily go either way if that’s what the guy likes. So my question is, how can I please a bottom, having little experience in the topping department, and while having an average-to-small sized cock? I honestly don’t mind the size of my cock–it’s proportional to me (short/skinny) but I’ve had a few guys mock me about my size. It may have been playful but it still sinks in after a while because they were serious. I just want to know if the size of my cock is going to affect my ability to top (well) and what I can do to combat that. I’ve topped a couple guys in the past and had no negative reaction, but I want to learn to do it right with the equipment that I have.
— Topsy Turvy
Dear Topsy:
If the guys who teased you were at a bar, I’d have said they looked like they could use a margarita, no salt, and thrown it in their face. The next time somebody says something about your dick, call them out. Like, “STOP. You’ve got a couple of body parts that aren’t so great but I respect you enough not to say anything negative. I’d like the same respect.”
Now, about this ridiculous idea that you can only top well if your name is Tripod: The facts don’t support you. According to condom manufacturers, only 6% of men need extra large condoms. Are you saying the other 94% are lousy tops? Puh-leeze.
You actually have an advantage, you know. Versatile guys tend to make better tops. If you know what you like done, you’ll know what needs doing. As a top, you’re more likely to have extra patience during the entry phase because as a bottom you know an inch feels like a foot. As a top you’re more likely to re-apply lube because as a bottom you know that nothing succeeds like excess.
But enough of the basics, let’s fast forward. The thing that separates the men from the hens is the thrust. And here’s a big, wide open secret: ALWAYS vary your thrusting patterns.
The law of diminishing returns says pleasure is inversely related to repetition. You know how the first few bites of a steak always taste better than the last few? It’s because you didn’t pause, take a sip of wine, or a bite of a side dish. Taste buds get sensitized easily. So, do manginas. So, mix it up with these classic Tantric thrusting patterns:
The “Thrusts Of The Heron”: Deep for three consecutive thrusts, then go shallow. Think of it as crime prevention: Three strikes and you’re out.
The “Thrusts Of The Dragon”: Nine times deep, one time shallow. Then reverse.
The “Thrusts Of The Phoenix”: Run a pattern– 9 deep/1shallow, 8 deep/2 shallow, 7 deep/3 shallow, and so on until you reverse it and get to 1deep/9 shallow. Hey, it’s the new math.
The Mouse: Quick and shallow thrusts.
The Eagle: Hold your penis motionless at the entrance of his starfish then swoop in quickly and deeply. Like your frenemies do when they see you talking to a hot guy.
These are general rules. Remember, different thrusts for different butts. Variety ain’t just an industry magazine; it’s a spice of life.
Meet The Hottie In The Corner–The 21 Day Plan To Overcome Your Fear of Rejection, Master the Art of Icebreakers and Snag Guys You Never Thought You Could Get.