So, my friend Marc met a guy at the park when he was out of town. They had a little bit of conversation, exchanged numbers for business reasons (both in the same industry) and split. Marc couldn’t tell if the guy was interested but he texted him anyway:
“Hey, great meeting you. Tonight’s my last night here. Can’t leave without buying a cute guy a drink. ;>) Join me later?”
They met, but they had the chemistry of spackle. It cost Marc $40 for drinks and he didn’t even get a kiss. What happened?
When in doubt, qualify. He should never have left it to one or two simple texts. He should’ve flirted with the guy more to understand whether the guy was meeting him to have a drinks-paid, interesting conversation or whether he was actually interested. When you’re out of town you really do have the luxury of being direct without losing your power. Marc should have been a lot more direct. Like this for starters: “Hey, I’m really attracted to you; hope it’s mutual. Meet for a drink?”