Make Him Laugh…
And you’ll be halfway up his leg. The problem is that you can get so anxious texting a hottie that you make your coffee nervous and then, BAM! Brain fart! You can’t think of a clever thing to text. Relax, here’s a list sure to make him bend over (with laughter). See more texts in the The Guide To Gay Texting: The Art Of Making Guys Obsess Over You.
✦ Made you look!
✦ On a scale of “impaired judgement” to “Mel Gibson,” how drunk are you?
✦ Get your mind out of the gutter. It’s blocking my view.
✦ Last night I renamed my iPod ‘The Titanic’ so when I plug it in it says ‘”The Titanic is Syncing.”
✦ I just saw a bird vs. squirrel fight. A car won.
✦ “This cat way cat to cat keep cat a cat idiot cat busy cat for cat 20 cat seconds cat!” NOW READ IT WITHOUT SAYING CAT!
Are You Ready To Have Guys Fall In Love With You?
Then, here’s the guide that’ll make it happen:
The Guide To Gay Texting
• Make Him Laugh.
• Make Him Think.
• Make Him Want You.
Get Started.
Only $14.99!
(Downloads to your PC, Mac or phone as a PDF file)
✦ Just witnessed a fat girl fall off the treadmill, pop a medicine ball, and drink coke out of a water bottle all in one workout.
✦ I bought some powdered water, but I don’t know what to add.
✦ Last night, my friend changed all my contacts in my phone. I have been texted by Batman, Donatello, and Hermione Granger. WTF!
✦ On CSI, they found semen in the woman’s ear. Guess she heard her killer coming.
✦ OMFG i just saw someone giving someone else road head and they hit a pothole.
✦ I got kicked out of Barns and Nobles cuz i put all the bibles in the fiction section.
✦ “Lose 5 Pounds in 5 days”. My upbeat view of abortion
✦ Last night I lay in my bed looking at the beautiful stars, the moon and the sky when I thought, “where the hell is my roof!?”
✦ I hate you! Call me.
✦ My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son-of-a-bitch.
✦ There is NOTHING better than watching a child being chased by an ostrich.
✦ Did you hear about the gay guy who couldn’t get a boyfriend? It’s because he didn’t grab his copy of The Guide To Gay Texting: The Art Of Making Guys Obsess Over You.