Should You Keep Talking To The Hottie After You Get His Number?
There are two schools of thought about this question. On the one hand, leaving right after you get his phone number makes it look like the whole point of talking to him was to get his phone number. Which makes you a self-validating prick who isn’t interested in adding genuine value to his life. Don’t make him think you wanted his phone number more than you wanted him.
By continuing to talk to him, you strengthen the connection and build more attraction. This is an important point if you’re getting a lot of phone numbers, but never get your calls returned. Or worse, getting them answered but never getting a date (or a hookup) out of it.
Once you build more attraction you’ve dramatically increased the chance that he’ll call/text you back. Each new thread of conversation weaves a stronger bond between you. The more investment he makes (in time, in emotional currency) the more he is going to want a return on that investment. Like picking up the phone when you call and saying yes to a date.
Besides, nothing is more awkward than constantly running into a guy the same night you got his number. If you’re going to leave, LEAVE. Don’t hang out in the same place.
An Opposing View
In most cases, you should be asking for the phone number toward the end of a conversation. Asking for it in the middle is a little anti-climactic. There’s something to be said for anticipation.
You can’t build desire by being completely available to a man. There’s a great lesson in the movie, The Tao Of Steve. He surprised the object of his affection by doing something impressive and then disappearing. It always made the next encounter more resonant because then she had a chance to absorb her experience with him and then build suspense for the next one.
So what’s the answer? Should you stay or should you go?
Go. It’s always better to leave on a high and leave them wanting more. But again, if you’re getting flaky responses (no callbacks, reticence when you do reach them, etc.), then you need to spend time building more attraction before you leave.
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