What To Say On The First Call (Or Text)
Here’s a common texting mistake: “Hey it’s Mike, It was nice meeting you tonight, hope your night went well.”
Yes, show him you have the personality of a parking meter. A dry text or voicemail like that adds no value to the conversation and puts the burden on him to keep the conversation from slipping into the abyss.
One word: Playful.
Great Text Examples:
“Hey there trouble maker, did you manage to get back home in one piece last night or did your friends have to carry you home?”
“Hey man eater, hope you didn’t break too many hearts last night.”
“Hey, were you able to get in your casket before dawn?”
As for that first phone call…
It’s natural to be nervous so have a plan, man. Know what you’re going to say before you pick up the phone. Preparation will eliminate awkward silences and propel you into a fun, engaging conversation.
Here’s how you prepare: Think back to the subjects that you joked about and use that as your opening line when he picks up the phone. Let’s say you were teasing him about a big necklace he was wearing the fateful night you met:
Ring, ring, ring….
Him: Hello?
You: Are you still wearing that necklace I tried to do the hoola hoop in the other night?
Him: Oh! Stephen! Very funny! How are you?
Contrast the energy and vibe of that opening phone call with:
“Hi, it’s Stephen. We met at the bar the other night?”
Point made. Always open with something cheeky or flirty that was specific to the interaction you first had. His mind will immediately go back to the fun interaction you shared and bam! you’ve put him in the kind of positive emotional state that will move the conversation forward.
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