Why Do I Get A Headache After Sex? And Other Oddities
What’s the best sexual position if a couple is so fat that can’t reach each other’s genitals? Why does a pornstar’s dick always look so big? How do I make my bedroom soundproof? What’s the best lube? Why do I like to linger in the toilet after I pinched a loaf? Why do I get a headache after sex?
Why? Why? Why? My readers are a bunch of whybabies. Thank God. How would I know what to ask my medical panel if they weren’t? In the near future I will devote many of these whining questions that don’t fit neatly into any categories.
The questions and answers I will post will tend to be more on the medical side. Most are about health conditions that don’t affect a large number of people.
On the non-medical side, these posts will be some of the most entertaining in the blog. If you’re like me, you’ll look up from the letters and ask yourself, “Where do people come up with this shit?”
Like the straight guy worried that his “fake fagging” was unethical (he plays gay to get chicks who think they can turn him).
Or the guy who bitched slapped a flight attendant to the ground for not putting out and wanted to know if that was okay.
Or the pornstar of several gang fuck videos getting miffed that his real life boyfriend was “passing him around.”
It’s Always Fresh
Somebody recently asked me if I ever get tired of writing this sex column. “How many questions about sex can there be,” he asked, “before they all start sounding the same?”
Only somebody who hasn’t been around gay men much could say something so naive. As Albert Einstein said, “Only two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former.”
Maybe someday I’ll get tired of hauling out the stupid meter, pointing it at gay guys and watching smoke billow out of it, but as the letters in the post you will soon read prove, it’s going to be a very long time.