The One-Sentence Secret To Great Sex
Ever been told you suck in bed? I have. By someone I really cared about, too. Boy, did it hurt. Took months to recover. In fact, he’s still walking funny.
The truth is, most of us aren’t very good in the sack because:
We are male, a species that does not particularly concern itself with the needs of others.
We are gay, so every session is a three-way – – you, your partner and your ego.
Nobody taught us how to do it right. Society says we’re not supposed to be doing it at all, let alone doing it well.
The best way to get better at sex is to do whatever the guy was doing to you that made you moan. Copycat sex is the shortcut to greatness. That’s why I don’t write much about technique. Besides, learning how to ride a man from a book is like learning how to ride a bike from a manual. You’ll never really get it till you mount it.
The expression of desire needs no introduction to tactics. Expressing yourself freely, losing yourself in his smell, finding yourself in his touch, these are the things that make memorable sex.
Sex isn’t about technique; it’s about how you express your desire.
And speaking of expressing, that’s exactly what most of the letters I get on this subject are about: expressing the very milk of human kindness. For example, “why do I drip when I want to shoot? What’s this stuff made of? Is it nutritious? Should I swallow? Should I spit? Should I pasteurize?”
The questions about man milk are endless. As they should be. No point to the cone if you can’t get to the cream.
It does make you wonder, though. All that drama for three lousy tablespoons of joy juice!