I am 23 and my partner is 26. We have been together 4.5 years and I practically moved in on the first date! We bought a house in January, and I’m feeling very “grown up.” I thought we were the only ones….until I read the letter in your column from “Age wasted on young.”
All our friends are the apartment-dwelling-single-party types and when I read the letter, I knew I had to do everything I could to meet this other settled early twenties couple. I know you probably can’t give me their contact info, but I thought maybe you could forward this letter to them and maybe they would feel a similar desire to say “hey.”
Dear Been There:
Guys in their twenties are far more conservative these days than guys in their 30s and 40s. The vast majority of letters I get about monogamy are from twenty-somethings pining for it. The rest are from thirty and forty somethings spitting at it.
Last year, the CDC came out with a study showing gay guys in their 20s are less sexually active than guys in older brackets. There is no question the Age of Romance is being ushered in by a generation that sees one-nighters and cheap sex as empty and meaningless.
The fools.
My point, and I do have one, is that you don’t need me to find more people like you. They’re everywhere. Put down that copy of Reader’s Digest and go look for them, Mr. Magoo.