What do you think are the most important things to know about giving good head?
— wondering
The most important thing about giving head? The person you’re giving it to! I mean, really. You don’t want to waste good technique on a guy with a face that could stop a clock.
The three most important factors in giving the kind of head that guys write their moms about is 1) saliva, 2) saliva, and 3) saliva.
If you don’t have a sour apple or hard candy, the best way to make your mouth water is to visualize biting into a lemon. Notice the saliva? It’s your body’s way of fighting off the acidity in the mouth (by diluting it).
The next most important thing is your hand. You need to give men four things to make their eyes roll to the back of their head: Friction, pressure, speed and lubrication.
So use your hand as an extension of your mouth. Do this: Make a fist and punch yourself in the chest. Your knuckles should be touching your chest, with your thumb facing towards you. That’s your starting position. With your hand in that position twist/stroke on the way down and stroke/twist on the way up. You’re basically doing a corkscrew motion as you wet him with a constant stream of saliva. Your mouth may give you speed but it doesn’t give you pressure. That’s what the hand is for. Then you’ll be faced with the eternal question: spit or swallow. It’s the kind of dilemma nobody minds.