Kelly Kreth’s take on a woman scorned… who ended up scorning all over Craig’s List.
This week, Gawker, in its continuing commitment to be super-servicey to the snarky set, linked to a wham-pow New York City Craigslist rant. If you have never checked out the rants on the dreaded CL, they are usually boring, poorly written and offensive.
But not this one. Foster Kamer from Gawker touted it as, “Craigslist Rant of the Week” in his posting: In Recognition of Our City’s Amateur Scribes: The Winter of Our Cock Deficiency , and I agree.
Craigslist rants last only seven days, so I’m going to paste in the text of it for your perusal:
1) You do not know how to fuck. I understand it isn’t your fault you have a really short cock, but by 36 years old, one would think you’d learn how to use it.
2) Along those lines, you selfishly never even tried to go down on me once and one would think if one had a cock deficiency one would at least try to compensate by going another route.
3) Most women would NEVER go out with a guy who couldn’t even pay for one date. Instead of being grateful, you act even more pathetic by being cold.
4) There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a waiter, and that is what you are. Not a published writer or famed artist. A waiter. Own it. You are a waiter that has some great hobbies: writing, drawing, painting, and skiing.
5) Again, if a man doesn’t have money to pay for a date, one would think he’d compensate by being kind and engaging. Who the hell do you think you are telling me that I’m being intrusive when you are laying in my bed? I asked what you were thinking out of curiosity and a genuine interest in getting to know you better. Instead of lashing out of me, try acknowledging your own communication failings.
Now, go fuck yourself. Trust me, it won’t be very good.
How was this for a note?