They say if it has testicles or tires, you’ll have trouble….
That means double trouble in Clinton, Montana where an estimated 10,000 people wheeled in to the 14th annual Testicle Festival to eat two tons of bull balls. Apparently, everybody’s gagging for the $5 sampler plate, there being a recession and all.
Some of the cooks only use USDA approved bull testicles, also known as Rocky Mountain Oysters. “I skin them when they’re just thawing because the membrane peels like an orange,” one cook told a reporter.
He then marinates them in beer, breads and fries them. Some think it looks like breaded tenderloin. Actually, they’re known as “Montana Tendergroin.”
I haven’t gone to the festival myself, but I wonder…If you drank some tea to wash it down, would they call it teabagging?