It wasn’t just the higher penis to vagina ratio that aroused guest blogger Susan Walsh. It was the passion.
I propose that straight men try watching gay porn for a change, so they can learn what women want. What, you don’t find that intuitively obvious? It actually makes perfect sense. I can explain. Research shows that online porn is the single largest source of sexual information for young men. They watch it alone, and they also watch it in groups with other guys as a bonding activity.
(What does a room full of straight guys do when they all have boners at 3pm? Just wondering.)
Recently I was researching an article about the role of porn as an influence on sexual behavior. After consulting the academic literature, I hung out on both straight and gay male porn sites for…well, for a while.
(It’s amazing how a whole day can just fly by when you’re enjoying your work!)
What I found on straight porn sites was pretty much what I expected, but I was astounded by what I saw in gay porn. Especially amazing was the contrast between the two. As a straight woman, I found the straight porn repulsive. It was unbearably phony and mechanical. It was also very demeaning to women in many cases. But the gay porn? It was arousing. I hadn’t expected that!
(I figured it had to be the higher penis to vagina ratio, i.e. infinite.)
I decided to spend more time, um, trying to figure it out.
(Whoa! There went Tuesday!)
Why does it matter what kind of porn guys watch?
Because currently, straight guys get a lot of their technique from straight porn.
(And that is not a good thing.)
Shouldn’t they just watch whatever gets them off? Yes, first they should watch whatever gets them off. Then they should switch over to gay porn to see what gets women off. Gay porn is definitely hotter, even to a straight woman, than straight porn. But why?
Kissing during sex is normal. And nice. Gay men kiss during sex. Straight porn has eliminated kissing almost entirely. Occasionally you’ll see the “porn kiss,” which is a reptilian touching of tongues with no lips. There seems to be an unspoken agreement between women and men to connect at the genitals, but never the face.
The gay pornos are generally more passionate. There are more videos that appear to be amateur, or maybe the gay guys are just much better actors. Actually, the gay guys are undoubtedly much better actors, but still, passion is rarely evident in straight porn. It’s all about the guy.
The O is gonna be a hell of a lot better if there is some real touching and foreplay first. Gay men touch each other’s torsos and breasts quite a bit. Very few breasts get touched in straight flicks. They seem irrelevant. Just think of all the money wasted on those implants!
The gay men make completely normal and natural sounds, for the most part. A slight vocalization when something feels just right, a soft moan, is soooo much more interesting than a vocal freak show. Normal women do not squawk like seagulls during intercourse. Normal men don’t grunt “FUCK YEAH!” in a scary voice every time they come. The “dialog” in straight porn is ridiculous and embarrassing.
The notion of gay men being either Pitcher or Catcher is a myth, at least in porn. They tend to take turns, or reciprocate. There is equality between the partners. In straight porn, the guy is usually some creepy character who is bossy and demeaning. The women usually play the role of a submissive, sex-starved character who wants nothing more than to please this stranger.
The face ejaculation is the straight porn flick money shot. The woman is usually pretending she desperately wants it, often using baby talk to beg for it. You see it in gay porn, but not that much. Gay men ejaculate wherever, as long as the camera can see it. It looks pleasurable for both parties.
From a woman’s perspective, guys are not going to learn anything useful from straight porn. In fact, the notion is downright frightening. If only we could find a way to tactfully suggest a walk on the wild side!
I’m not naïve enough to think there will be many guys who will take this advice. In fact, I’m sure most guys would find the idea too threatening and alien. And that makes sense. Because straight men are from Mars, but women and gay men are from Venus.
Can you be straight and do gay porn?
Is Porn Bad for You?
A flow chart that describes 90% of porn videos
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