Drag Queen Miss Ginger Grant tells us why she can’t get worked up about gay marriage.
All the fuss about gay marriage has Miss Ginger in a bit of a quandary. She wants to get all riled up about it, she really does! Of course, gay couples should have the same rights as straight couples to form whatever kind of family they choose. I mean, if we’re going to start forbidding marriages, let’s stop letting idiots marry and raise buttloads of little snotnose morons!
But she really just can’t find the fire for the whole gay marriage thing. Really, she’s just not the marrying kind. She tried it once, but it didn’t work. First of all, she is a Drag “Queen”. Who does a Drag Queen marry, anyway?
The last time she was out in a club, the place wasn’t filled with a whole lot of Kings! And the few princes that were there seemed to be more interested in the mirror than they were in an elegant hunk of beauty like Miss Ginger! She always turns heads when she enters the room, and even though the boys flirt and touch and follow her like a bunch of horny schoolboys, are they really the type one could take home to “Queen Mum”?
And then there’s the whole sharing of the castle. Five minutes after a gay man moves in he wants to start redecorating! Oh, hell no! This castle is a national shrine, and Miss Ginger’s people expect it to be maintained and respected as such! Sure, it may be a little glitzy for some people’s taste, but not everyone is born to live in a castle. Point made!
And don’t even think you’re going to enter Miss G’s boudoir! She’ll visit your room when she’s ready for some randy action. Until then, you are not to see what happens when Miss G retires to her chambers. Really- you don’t want to see it!
So, in Miss Ginger’s case, she’s pretty sure “Drag Queen Marriage” would end in “Drag Queen Divorce,” and that seems kinda pointless! So, she is likely to go down in history as “the Spinster Queen,” no matter what the courts may soon rule! You boiz and gurls can have your gay marriage- this old Drag Queen is going to remain blissfully single!