Anal Douching
Should You Use An Enema?
It’s only natural to want a butt so clean your partner’s penis practically sees its reflection upon entering. Will an enema or a douche get you there? Let’s investigate.
Enemas and douches are prescribed by doctors to alleviate constipation and/or clean out the rectal area before surgery. Both flush water up the rectum. As gravity forces the water down it removes toxins and waste, contracting the rectum which results in a bowel movement.
The chief difference between enemas and douches are how high up they flush and the tools they use to get the job done. Because enemas are used to treat severe constipation, they need to go up past the rectum into the colon and that usually involves tubes, syringes, and sometimes even small hoses.
Douching, on the other hand, is used to clean the rectum, not the colon. Typically, this means using a syringe, a bulb, or maybe a plastic bottle (like the Fleet brand sold in drug stores).
Why You Shouldn’t Use An Enema
Enemas are at worst, dangerous, and at best, unnecessary. Let’s start with unnecessary and work our way up.
Stick a finger up your bum and you might see a little residue when you pull it out. Use an enema and you’ll watch with horrified fascination at how much shit it flushes out. How could this be when the finger you pulled out just had a bit of residue or a slight booger?
Most guys think this is evidence of the enema’s effectiveness. They think, “Wow, my ass was a lot dirtier than I thought it was.” In reality, the enema made their rectum dirtier. See, enemas shoot water way past the rectum into the sigmoid colon, where stool is stored. The water gets past the Sigmoid Juncture, the sphincter that keeps stool from entering the rectum, and flushes the stool downward, filling your rectum with fecal matter it didn’t contain before you used the enema.
Illustration: How Enemas Make Your Butt Dirtier
Using an enema to clean your rectum is like using a cannon to get rid of a fly. The solution is worse than the problem. Once an enema forces stool out of the sigmoid colon into the rectum it creates a shit storm that can only be cleared with, you guessed it, more use of the enema. Most people do this repeatedly until the “waters run clear.”
Residual Liquids
But letting the waters run clear also runs a big risk, as this story so eloquently describes:
Like many bottoms, my gay friend George has a harrowing story about using an enema before anal sex. “I had met a guy on Grindr,” he said. “I get to his place and ring the doorbell. As he opened the door to say hi, I coughed and shat out a load of poo water into my underwear. Loudly. I had to run into his flat, straight to the toilet, and throw my underwear away. It was all down my legs. It killed the mood, needless to say. And, yes, I left the dirty underwear there.”
— Vice Magazine
Colo-rectal doctors refer to George’s experience as a build-up of “residual liquid.” You know this term as “anal leakage,” and it can occur, often explosively, hours after you’re done with an enema or irrigation system like the Shur Shot Shower system (a favorite in the porn industry).
Let me again state the obvious: Gravy is only good on mashed potatoes.
From Humiliating To Dangerous
Enemas aren’t just unnecessary. The medical consensus is that they’re harmful, unless prescribed for specific conditions like severe constipation. Pushing water or a mixture of water and chemicals up your bum creates a powerful peristalsis (accompanied by bloating and cramping) that “evacuates” everything in your lower intestinal tract.
This will compromise the natural protective fluids and lining in your anus. An intact mucus layer protects your rectal tissues from abrasions, tears or cuts that could endanger your health. Studies show that frequent ass flushing compromises the rectal mucosa leading to increased risk of transmission of HIV and hepatitis.
There are two ways enemas can compromise the health of anal tissues—first by water removing some or all of the mucus layers and second, by poking yourself too hard with the insertion point of the douching device, which can cause microscopic tears.
Further, overuse of flushing can seriously inhibit normal bowel movement. Water in the intestinal tract creates a downward peristalsis to evacuate it. Your body can lose its ability to create a natural peristalsis to evacuate your bowels, resulting in “flush dependency” to have a bowel movement. Meaning, you won’t be able to take a dump without an enema.
A Brief Glimpse Into Porn Star Stupidity
Most porn stars go for heavy-duty flushing armaments. Forget fey Fleet enemas, they use industrial-strength, hose-to-the-faucet enema kits which include a diverter valve that attaches to the same pipe as your shower head, a sturdy gooseneck-type hose, and a special tubular aluminum nozzle.
It’s the equivalent of pressure-washing your insides. One porn star we spoke to illuminated a danger I haven’t yet brought up—the very real possibility of damaging your organs:
“I use Shower Shot and warm water. You can get it anywhere like at Walgreens, but it’s like a long hose and you attach it to the shower faucet, and it shoots up. It cleans your gut that way. The first time I did it, it was painful because I didn’t know you weren’t supposed to turn the water full blast. And I didn’t have sex for a week after that.”
Another danger of using shower attachments is the very real possibility of burning your organs. A temperature that might feel fine on your hands might scald an organ. Porn stars not only do the wrong thing with industrial-strength equipment, they like to do it often. One porn star told us, “If I’m going to a shoot, I do it right before I leave the house. And then when I arrive, I do a last-minute touch-up.”
You know, just in case there’s any lining left in his anus.
Listen, if your rectum is so dirty you have to hose it out, the answer isn’t a fire hydrant connection; it’s a better diet. Put yourself on a fiber plan. It won’t just help you bottom without stains; it’ll help in a lot of aspects of your health.
Now, what about douching?