How To Get Ready For Anal
A Guide To Butt Anatomy
Do hygiene worries stop you from bottoming? They should. Have you seen what comes out of men when they go to the toilet? It’s amazing we don’t need hazmat suits to get out of the bathroom alive!
You are absolutely justified in your hygiene fears. The thought of a partner pulling out and seeing his manhood covered in heirloom chocolate would make anyone throw themselves screaming from a helicopter.
Of course, I’m exaggerating. It is exceedingly rare to experience the kind of shit show you fear. Besides, you can avoid all of the unpleasantness—stains on the sheets, nose-scrunching odors, and general after-sex embarrassment with just a few precautions.
How to get ready for anal? It starts with anatomy.
We cannot have a conversation about keeping yourself clean without a full understanding of a delicate subject: How you eliminate waste from your body.
Your fears of needing a pooper-scooper device by your bed are based on a misconception that feces are stored in the rectum. In fact, they are not. As you can see below, feces are stored in the sigmoid colon, which sits above the rectum. The Sigmoid Juncture (a type of sphincter muscle) prevents stool from entering the rectum unless you consciously allow defecation to take place.
Illustration: Stool is stored in the Sigmoid Colon, not the rectum or anal canal. Unless your partner has an Anaconda for a penis, it is never going to loosen the Sigmoid Juncture, which prevents stool from entering the rectum.
Once defecation occurs, a combination of anatomical structure, neural switches, and reflex triggers make it impossible for stool to remain in your rectum. Now, often there is residue, for sure, and we’ll talk about cleaning it up later in the chapter. But for now, know that your rectum is a pipeline, not a storage device. It is the Panama Canal between the sigmoid colon and your sphincter. Ships can only pass through; they cannot anchor.
An Exception
Some guys have written to tell me they find more than residue or “bacon bits” in their rectum. Ships can get stuck and drop anchor in your Panama Canal if the Sigmoid Junction isn’t tightening properly.
If you find small boulders up there you might be also suffering from a case of mild fecal incontinence. Not enough to show up in your underwear, perhaps, but enough so that there’s actual shit stored in your rectum.
If that’s the case, put yourself on a program of pelvic floor therapy, otherwise known as Kegels. They’ll strengthen the Sigmoid Junction, along with all the muscles and tissues in the puborectal area. See the appendix for kegel instructions.
Shit Just Got Real
The sigmoid colon releases waste (stool) to the rectum when the body is ready for elimination and only when it is ready. There are several ways the body makes sure that things don’t ‘slip’ into the rectum accidentally.
First, the juncture between the sigmoid colon and the rectum lies at ninety degrees. The sigmoid colon is horizontal where it meets the rectum, which lies on a more vertical plane. This sharp angle stops feces from entering the rectum on their own.
“Security” is reinforced by a sphincter muscle between the sigmoid and the rectum (damn, how many sphincters do we have in our bodies!). In its natural state, this sphincter (the Sigmoid Juncture) is constricted and thus acts as the gatekeeper. It remains tightly shut unless it receives a command from headquarters.
As fecal content grows in the sigmoid colon it exerts pressure on this sphincter muscle. This triggers one of many involuntary “defecation reflexes” and signals the Sigmoid Juncture to open up and let the fecal content into the rectum.
Why are spending so much time on this stinky subject? Because KNOWLEDGE is the starting point for how you prepare yourself for anal sex.
Stretch It, Baby
The entry of feces into the rectum distends the rectal wall. There, stretch receptors trigger signals to the descending and sigmoid colon to increase peristalsis (the involuntary constriction and relaxation of the muscles, creating wavelike movements that push the fecal contents forward).
These “waves” of movement pass through all the way to the anus, causing the puborectal sling to loosen, straightening the S-curve in your rectum, and causing the internal sphincter muscles to completely relax.
Defecation happens once you release the external sphincter muscles, which you have conscious control of. When you can’t find a bathroom (and you’d rather not relieve yourself on the carpet) you can clench your external sphincter to keep from defecating.
You will also be aided by the puborectal sling, which acts as a “continence muscle” that stops you from farting or taking a shit in the middle of a cocktail party. When you need to go but can’t, the sling responds to the pressure by contracting, which holds the feces back until you have the opportunity to find a bathroom.
Nice, huh?
This also brings us to another point worth mentioning. Many guys feel like they have to defecate when a penis enters their rectum. Why is that? Remember that the rectum has “stretch sensors.” When the rectum is full, stretch receptors fire, giving you the feeling that you have to take a dump. When a penis enters the rectum, it sets off these stretch sensors, in the way your cat might set off the house alarm.
In other words, that feeling that you have to take a dump? It’s a false alarm. The feeling will wane as your rectum learns to re-interpret the presence of a penis. It is not possible for you to have a bowel movement during sex, even if it feels like you need to.
What’s All This Shit Have To Do With Bottoming
You won’t know how to clean butt for anal sex without a grasp of how you eliminate. Understanding the process of elimination will reassure you the rectum does not store feces. Knowledge of anatomy also answers a central concern many guys have about bottoming—you will not release a shit bomb.
Now that you’ve got a solid understanding of how butts work, let’s revisit the original question at the top of the chapter: How do you get over the natural revulsion you might have about undesirable sights and smells?
As with most problems, the best way to solve this one is to prevent it from happening in the first place.