Should You Use Poppers To Loosen Your Sphincter?
A great deal of porn star bottoms sniff poppers to relax their sphincters. Chances are many of your friends do, too. We’ll get into why they–and you– shouldn’t in a bit. First, let’s answer a question…
What Are Poppers?
Poppers are a liquid made from the alkyl nitrite family. Most commonly it’s slang for amyl nitrate (AM-il NYE-trite), but it’s also known as amyl, butyl, and isobutyl nitrite. In prescription form, it’s used by inhalation to relieve the pain of angina attacks. It works by relaxing blood vessels and increasing the supply of blood and oxygen to the heart. There used to be a popping sound when you crushed the cloth-covered glass capsules they came in, hence the darling name.
“Poppers” as a recreational drug are illegal, but they’re sold legally by a sleight of hand—they’re marketed as air fresheners, video head cleaners, leather cleaners, or even nail polish remover. You’ll also see them referred to as ‘aromas,’ ‘liquid incense’, and by brand names like Liquid Gold and Rush.
How Poppers Work To Loosen Your Sphincter.
Right before intercourse, porn stars sniff the fumes in a bottle of poppers, all off-camera. Within seconds, chemicals in the fumes cause blood vessels to dilate, which drops blood pressure and increases heart rate. “There’s a rush of blood to your head,” one porn star said, “Your heart beats fast and all your muscles relax.” Especially the sphincter muscles. Most people who use poppers feel an excited, light-headed feeling for 1-2 minutes before the effects wear off.
Porn stars use poppers because they work. They really will loosen your sphincter. They’ll also lower your inhibitions. But like all drugs, the downsides are enormous and you’d be a fool not to consider them.
Poppers Are The Main Reason Porn Star Bottoms Don’t Get Hard.
Poppers are a perfect example of the law of unintended consequences. Yes, they loosen the sphincter but they relax all muscles in the body. Including the muscles that support erections. One of the main side effects of poppers is impotence.
In fact, when porn star bottoms want another sniff of the poppers during sex, the top often has to turn away so he doesn’t breathe in the fumes and lose his erection.
I’m guessing you’re not looking to lose your hardon when you bottom, so that’s a giant red flag if you’re considering using poppers. Now, not everybody loses their erection but enough do to warrant a good hard think before you use them.
Poppers Could Kill You
There are a few other things you should know about poppers. The most common side effects are headaches and dizziness (sometimes immediately). Some people faint, which makes sense because poppers dramatically lower blood pressure. That’s the main reason you should NEVER use poppers if you’re taking Viagra, Cialis, or Levitra. All of these drugs lower blood pressure. Combining them risks death.
Poppers Are Habit-Forming
Poppers aren’t addictive but they can be habit-forming. Plus, the more you use them the less effective they become, so you have to keep sniffing more and more to get the same result. If you use them as a shortcut to relaxing your sphincter you risk becoming completely dependent on them.
Now, what about sex and alcohol?