How To Get A Stripper’s Phone Number
Never say “yes” when the stripper you’re crushing on asks if you want a dance. If he gives you one you’re never going to get his number because you’ve just become another john to him.
Instead, say something like, “Maybe later.” He’s most likely going to interpret that as a timing issue rather than a statement of his attractiveness. If you just say, “No, thanks,” he’s going to assume he doesn’t turn you on and he’ll never come back.
Of course, he’s going to move away so keep him engaged. Remember, it’s his job to flirt back. If he hasn’t already told you, ask for his name and introduce him to your friends. You’re not there with friends? Ahem! If you’re at a strip club alone, you’ve got a bigger problem than I can help with.
Why the introductions? Because it shows him you’re not the typical jerk out looking at his pecs or his bulge (which of course, you are), and that you’re a cool, laid-back, respectful, fun-loving guy.
Ask him if he goes to school–most strippers have bigger plans than dancing for money. Keep the small talk going for about five minutes max.
When the conversation is still on the upswing, say something like, “Oh, wow, I didn’t mean to keep you so long. I know you’ve got to get back to work. Swing by later so we can chat a little bit more.”
The fact that you’ve basically turned him down twice will make you really stand out as a genuinely decent guy who’s interested in talking to him and getting to know him.
You’ve shown that you see him as a hard-working man, not some cheap slut. If he offers you a dance you’ve failed. You’ll know you succeeded if he doesn’t offer to get on your lap and instead, agrees to come back.
While he’s gone, act like you always act at a strip club–buy drinks, talk with your buddies, buy dances. So what do you do when he comes back? Continue the small talk.
Great pointer:
Ask if the name he gave you was real or if it was him stage name. It’s most likely going to be his stage name, so he’ll probably give you his real name, since you’ve shown so much genuine interest.
He’ll undoubtedly ask if you want a dance and here’s where you deliver the third mild rejection: “Sorry, my friends and I were just about to head out. But I’d love to talk to you sometime outside of this club. Give me your phone number and let’s grab a cup of coffee.”
By emphasizing the fact that you want to see him out of the club you confirm once more that you see him as more than a pair of dancing testicles.
Now, here’s the thing. he may want to give you his phone number but he’s dealing with a lot of guys who belong in straight jackets. It isn’t safe to hand out his number to a guy he’s only spent a few minutes talking with. He may ask for yours instead. When a “civilian” guy says that in a bar, you can rest assured he’s just trying to throw you off his scent and never call you back. Not so true with strippers.
What is true is that he’ll probably leave with 20 numbers that night because most guys will force them on her. But yours is one of the few that he ASKED for. Still, this begs a question: If he pulls out 20 phone numbers when he gets home, how will he know which is yours?
Because you will have referenced something you talked about. Say you talked about Cobra Kai and how you both hated it. Then you should write, “Greg, 404-546-9788. Die, Ralph Machio, Die!”
Congratulations, you’re about to get a call from your fantasy!