How To Bottom Without Pain, Fear, or Cleanup Disasters

The legendary How to Bottom Like a Porn Star — the best-selling guide that taught a generation how to bottom — is now a complete multimedia package, fully illustrated and narrated.


…while you try innovative methods for pain-free, squeaky-clean anal sex. The $29.99 multi-media package includes:

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1. The Legendary Book That Taught a Generation of Gay Men How To Bottom

(Delivered as PDF)

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2. The Audiobook Version So You Can Follow Every Step Hands-Free

Delivered in mp3. Just hit play on your phone, tablet, or computer.

No special apps or music platforms needed!

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3. Erotic Medical Illustrations That Show You Exactly What’s Happening Inside.

Reading about how to avoid pain is one thing—seeing how to do it is a game-changer.

The erotic medical illustrations in this package show what’s really happening inside your body. SEE the best angles of entry, positions and the best way to prep for squeaky-clean sex.

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4. Bonus Guides To Complete Your Bedroom Confidence Kit

Get Harder, Talk Dirtier, Come Stronger.

(Delivered as PDFs)


Live monthly webinars where you can ask me anything you want.

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6. The Lab Report Revealing the #1 Fiber for Staying Clean

Find out which fiber ranked #1 in FDA-approved lab tests!

(Delivered as PDF)

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I don’t typically read self-help stuff but when I saw that there were illustrations (whoa! Erotic AND scientific) I just had to buy this package. This book took my sex life to a whole new level. I highly recommend it. Whenever I got tired of reading, I just listened to it on my way to work!


My partner is a top and I could never bottom for him because the pain was too much. But when I read about The :60 Sphincter Release technique it was like the heavens opened up. I was able to bottom THE NIGHT I BOUGHT THE BOOK. Total game changer. Ain’t nobody happier than my boyfriend, I can tell you that! I have to say, having the accompanying audiobook was incredibly convenient…and reinforcing.


We both wanted to be more versatile so we figured we would learn together. The book/audiobook is really easy to follow, packed with advice neither one of us heard before. We were surprised by how erotic some of the sections were. We ended up reading them aloud to turn ourselves on! And the fiber section? CHEF’S KISS!


Married to a woman until I came out, I was always the top. I just couldn’t figure out how to try bottoming until I grabbed this package. Filled with insights (sometimes profound), helpful illustrations and laugh-out-loud delivery, it occupies a very special place in my heart.


I have read so much about this book in the media but I never bothered to buy it because I thought, “What the hell is it going to teach me at my age?” Boy, was I wrong! I am very experienced and I learned things that had never even occurred to me before.

How Much More Time Can You Afford to Waste?


Now it’s up to you.


Are you ready to drop the excuses?


Do you truly want to level up?


Do you want to become MORE?


Are you ready to commit?


Are you ready to completely transform your love life?


The ULTIMATE INVESTMENT is the investment in yourself.


Most guys reading this page already know they need to make a change.


They’ll read every word here, nod their head in agreement, and feel the urge to do something about it.


And then they’ll back off, talk themselves out of it, and do NOTHING.


Guys, that’s not the way change happens. That’s not the way to move forward in your life. That’s not the way to fulfill your sex life.


It’s time for your sex life to take off.


It’s time to experience all that bottoming has to offer.


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why does bottoming hurtHow Porn Stars Bottom Without Pain

A spread-eagled view of how porn star bottoms carry the cargo.


gay dating tipsEmotional Blocks That Stop You From Bottoming

How “Anticipatory pain” and a perceived loss of masculinity can put your butt in a headlock.


Why It Feels Like Being Impaled By A Fencepost

It isn’t just your sphincter causing all that pain. Take a tour of your butt.


how to bottom

The :60 Sphincter Release

A revolutionary “ass hack” that completely relaxes your sphincter in under a minute.


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Using The :60 Sphincter Release With A Partner

How your partner can help you with the ass hack of the century


Best Positions and Angle of Entry

How to squeeze a Cadillac into a dog house.


butt sex gayWho’s In Charge?

Surprise! It isn’t the top.


The Secret Sauce To Hot Sex

How to make bottoming feet-in-the-air fantastic.

How To Get The Most Out Of A Top

A hungry junkyard dog is more fun than a poodle


how to have clean analAvoiding A Shit Show

Get your butt cleaner than a Disney movie.

Don’t Become Your Worst Enema

Should you use enemas and douches?


how to have clean anal sexA Guided Tour Of A Painless Bottoming Session

Watch Adam and Steve, our hot models, use the book’s advice in their sex play.

Why It Feels Like Being Impaled By A Fencepost

It isn’t just your sphincter causing all that pain. Take a tour of your butt.


Pain Point #1: Your Sphincter
You may only have one sphincter but you have two sets of muscles that open and close it. You are most familiar with the external sphincter muscles because you can consciously tighten and release them.

But you also have a set of internal sphincter muscles, which you have no control over. The internal and external sphincter muscles are bands of tissues that overlap each other, surrounding both sides of the anal canal’s entrance.

While they serve the exact same function (traffic cops guarding the anal canal ) they go about it in different ways.

The External Sphincter Muscles

You can tell them what to do anytime you want. Here, try it. Squinch your starfish by using the muscles that stop you from peeing. Got it? Tighten, release, tighten, release. Now, this time with feeling! Tighten, release. Now do five fast tightens.

Get it? You can boss that part of your butt around. Feel like taking a crap but there’s no bathroom around? No problem. You can order your external sphincter muscles not to open. At least for a while.

The Internal Sphincter Muscles

You can’t tell these bad boys to do shit and I mean that in every sense of the word. Like your blood pressure and heartbeat, you cannot directly control the internal sphincter muscles.

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Do this: Put your hands in front of you as if you’re praying. Now intertwine your fingers down to the webbing and press your palms together as tight as you can. Now keep everything connected and completely relax both hands. Notice the small opening between the thumb of one hand and the index finger of the other? This is the opening to your anus. If somebody tried to poke their finger through that opening it would feel snug but it’d go in pretty easy.

Now tighten both hands as hard as you can. Notice the opening goes away. The left hand is the internal sphincter muscle you cannot directly control. The right hand is the external sphincter muscle you can control. Keeping the left hand tight as a drum, completely relax your right hand. Your right hand (external sphincter muscle) is relaxed so a slight opening was created. But your left hand (internal sphincter muscle) is so tight that it won’t let a poking finger through very easily.

How The Two Sphincters Work Together

Welcome to bottoming’s first dilemma: The left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing. Or more accurately, the left hand doesn’t care what the right hand is doing. The internal and external sphincter muscles can and often do work independently of each other.

The illustration below shows how it’s possible to have a tightened anal canal even with completely relaxed external sphincter muscles:

As you can see, tight internal sphincter muscles (above the head of the penis) can squeeze the anal canal even if the external sphincter muscles (on either side of the head of the penis) are consciously relaxed, thus making penetration very painful.

Conversely, it’s possible to have relaxed internal sphincter muscles and tightened external sphincter muscles. This too can cause pain because the anal canal gets squeezed together.

As you can see, tight external sphincter muscles (directly above the head of the penis) can squeeze the anal canal even if the internal sphincter muscles are consciously relaxed.

The absolute worst-case scenario occurs when both internal and external sphincter muscles are clenched. As you can see from the illustration below, the double whammy makes penetration almost impossible to achieve.

Now, imagine an erect penis trying to squeeze into a butt that tight! In order to make penetration smooth and effortless you must relax both the internal and external sphincter muscles as shown in the illustration below:

Painless bottoming requires both sets of sphincter muscles to be relaxed yet only the external set is under conscious control. This sets up an interesting dilemma. How on earth are you going to relax the internal sphincter muscles if they don’t listen to you?

We’re going to solve that riddle in the next chapter, grasshopper. For now, let’s talk about the next pain point you have to deal with….

Author Michael Alvear

How I Came Up With This Package


Ever look at gay porn and think, “How can the guys who bottom take such big, ahem, CARGO without any pain?” Tops stick it in like a glute inject and the bottoms don’t even flinch.

How in God’s pajamas do they do it? Keen to find out what delicious secrets lay behind the studio lights, I commissioned a team of researchers to interview key players in the porn industry—producers, directors, and of course, the porn stars themselves.

Salivating at the sex hacks, pain-eliminating methods, and pleasure-enhancing approaches the research would uncover, I planned to devote the entire first edition of this book to the findings. But when I saw what shockingly stupid, inherently dangerous approaches the porn industry took toward bottoming, I knew my book was ruined. I put my head down on the table and loudly pronounced all four e’s in “shit.”

That was a few years ago, before the first printing of my book when I ended up using the research strictly as examples of what not to do. For the second edition, I wanted to revisit the idea of a “secret” to pain-free bottoming, but this time instead of looking for one in porn; I created one in real life.

I assembled a (butt) crack team of proctologists, colorectal specialists, and physicians with a masterful knowledge of anatomy. We brainstormed ideas, pored over clinically-tested muscle relaxation techniques experts use in other parts of the body and developed one for the sphincter.

Then we asked my readers to test it with their partners. We got feedback from these, ahem, end-users, and made refinements until everyone was satisfied with its effectiveness.

It’s called the :60 Sphincter Release and it’s a total game-changer. No more telling yourself, “Relax! Relax!” No more breathing exercises. No more relaxation exercises. No more Kegels.

The :60 Sphincter Release is based on a relaxation technique called PNF, Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation. It’s going to pop open up your sex life like a can of soda.

Next, I wanted this second edition to have what no other gay sex book has ever had: Graphic, no-holds-barred, in-your-face medical illustrations. The kind you won’t see on Google Images or even in the gay-friendliest medical journals.

My instructions to the graphic designer were simple: “I want you to gross me out and turn me on.” I’m happy to say he succeeded. The illustrations look like an anatomy professor wore X-ray glasses to a porn shoot. They will give you a profound understanding of the mechanics underlying anal sex…and yes, a slight but unmistakeable stiffy.

You’re welcome.

Seriously, these illustrations will give you “aha” moments words can’t. It’s one thing to read about what happens to the puborectal muscles when a penis enters the anus. It’s another to actually see it.

It’s one thing to read about where the prostate is in relation to the head of the penis during penetration; it’s another to see it visually represented.

And it’s one thing to hear about what happens to the shape of your anal canal when a penis is inserted from different angles; it’s another to see it in action.

I’ve been writing about gay sex for over twenty years. I starred in an international hit TV show called The Sex Inspectors that aired in 12 countries, including HBO in the U.S. and Channel 4 in the UK. I’ve also written several sex books and write a popular, syndicated column called Need Wood? Tips For Getting Timber.

All this experience in giving sex advice leads me to believe that you probably fall into one of two types of guys. First is the newbie. You probably can’t imagine how something as big as an erect penis can fit into an orifice as small as a sphincter without causing excruciating pain.

You’re probably also afraid of the mess you might leave behind on the sheets. Some guys live in mortal fear that bottoming will create a “shit show” that stains their psyches as well as their sheets.

If you’re the second type of guy you’re not a newbie. You’ve bottomed before, but it hurt like hell so you gave up on it. In fact, it was as painful as you feared and while there wasn’t a shit show, there was the odd smell or tire track that kinda grossed you out. You stopped trying even though still, to this day, you want to be more sexually versatile.

The good news for both types of guys is that bottoming is not the sexual equivalent of walking over hot coals. You don’t have to put yourself through hell to get to the other side. All you need is a little patience and a bit of know-how.

The kind you’re going to get in this book/package. Thanks for taking a chance, handsome!

All the best,


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We want our customers to be completely satisfied with their purchase and we are confident that you will be. In fact, the vast majority of our customers are completely satisfied with their purchase and rarely, if ever, take advantage of our money-back guarantee.


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We also believe that transparency is key when it comes to online payments. We will always be upfront about our payment policies and procedures, and we will work with you to address any concerns you may have.


How will I receive the books, reports and audiobook?


Our purchasing process is simple and straightforward. As soon as your payment goes through, you will receive a download link for all the products included in the package.


This includes the main book, How To Bottom Like A Porn Star, the Special Reports, and the Fiber Best For Bottoming white paper.


All of these products will be delivered as PDF files, which are readable on all devices and operating systems. This means that whether you’re using a PC, a Mac, a tablet, or a smartphone, you will be able to access your purchase and start learning right away.


In addition, you’ll also get an audiobook version of How To Bottom Like A Porn Star, which will be delivered as MP3 files. These files can also be listened to on any device and on any operating system, giving you the flexibility to learn on-the-go.


Overall, our purchasing process is designed to be quick and easy, and you can start learning and improving your skills as soon as your payment goes through. We are committed to providing you with high-quality products that are accessible and easy to use, so you can get the most out of your investment.

The books, audiobooks and special reports in this package are informed by peer-reviewed research published in some of the most academic journals.

This ensures that the information we provide is reliable and accurate.

Peer-reviewed research is an essential aspect of academic publishing, and it involves subjecting research papers to the scrutiny of experts in the same field before they are accepted for publication. This rigorous process ensures that the research is of the highest quality and that the findings are supported by robust evidence.

By basing our books and reports on peer-reviewed research, we are providing you with trustworthy and authoritative information that you can rely on to make informed decisions. Our content is backed by years of research and expertise, giving you a competitive edge in learning about your sexuality

We take pride in our commitment to providing you with the highest quality content, and our use of peer-reviewed research is just one of the many ways we ensure this.

We are confident that our books and reports will exceed your expectations and provide you with valuable insights that you can apply in your personal and professional life. Here are just some of the sources we used to inform our teaching package:

Kinsey Institute





Oxford Academic


Science Direct


The Lancet

How To Bottom For The First Time

(Taken from the book)


What angle should your partner’s penis enter you? Straight in? Pointing up? Down? Dyed, fried and laid to the side?

There is one—and only one— angle the penis should go in and it doesn’t matter what position you’re in or how much you’ve straightened your S-curve:

About 45 degrees away from your navel.

Why? Because it prevents the penis from hitting the front of your rectal wall, near the navel, where your prostate sits. Look:

Illustration: Penis Hitting Front Wall of Anal Canal

Angle Anal Sex

Unless you guide the head of the penis away from the navel it will hit your prostate, an incredibly sensitive organ. You can’t angle his dick too much the other way because then it’ll hit the back of the rectal wall.

Illustration: Penis Hitting Back Wall Of Anal Canal


Angle of entry anal sex bottom

Remember your finger poking your left palm at ninety degrees? When you moved the back of your left palm toward the floor by 45 degrees it straightened the S-curve, making it easier to proceed, albeit with some friction.

But when you raised the angle of your right finger by 45 degrees? Magic! It slid along the “rectal wall” of your palm easily and without resistance. If you want to understand how this works for real, get in the shower with a lubed up finger.


Squat and insert your finger toward your navel.

Doesn’t feel so good, does it? You’re hitting the prostate which sits just on the other side of the front rectal wall, near your navel.

Now insert your finger away from your navel.

Doesn’t feel so good, does it? You’re hitting the back of the rectal wall.

Now this time insert your finger away from your navel by about 45 degrees. Notice you didn’t feel a stabbing sensation? Nothing hurt. That’s because your finger went in through the “hallway” between the front and back rectal wall.

If your partner penetrates you with his dick pointed at the correct angle it will look something like this:


Illustration: Erect Penis Penetrating With A 45 Degree Angle AWAY From Navel

what angle for anal sex bottoming


Now there’s an image that’ll make a non-smoker light up a cigarette! Notice how everything fits tight and right. The penis isn’t hitting the prostate or the back of the rectal wall. Like a good running back, it’s running up the middle.

Pain-free penetration is a matter of degrees. Not too far up, not too far down. Think of it as the Goldilocks version of fucking:

Too High

Angle Anal Sex

Too Low

Angle of entry anal sex bottom

Just Right

what angle for anal sex bottoming

This knowledge is going to be rocket fuel for your love life. Mario is jumping up and down with joy and Prince Prostate is gushing at the thought of producing more milk than a dairy farmer.

Everybody’s happy except King Virgin, last seen requesting flood assistance from FEMA because he knows it’s going to be raining men.


how to bottomImportant Links

How To Bottom

Know Your Butt Anatomy

Best Positions for Anal Sex

Best Angles of Entry for Anal Sex

Should You Use Poppers to Bottom?

The Best Way To Loosen Your Sphincter

How To Relax Tight Sphincter Muscles

To Loosen Your Sphincter You’ve Got To Strengthen It First

Real Men Don’t Bottom? How Toxic Masculinity Can Derail Your Sex Life